lunes, 13 de abril de 2015

2ª sesión el martes 24 de marzo: THE PHYSICIAN

En la segunda sesión, proyectamos la película "The Physician" (El Médico), propuesta por Celia, una de nuestras alumnas del proyecto.

En esta ocasión, pudieron venir a la sesión más de nuestros alumnos, por lo que el debate propuesto fue más fructífero.

Adjuntos se encuentran el debate guiado, fotos y vídeos de la sesión.


Based on the novel by Noah Gordon, 1986

Final debate:

General questions:
  1. What did you like best about the film?

  1. What was your favourite character?

  1. Have you read the book “The Book Thief”? How is it different from the film?

  1. Had you ever seen a film based on a book? What’s your opinion about them?

  1. Would you recommend this film?

Think about it and discuss:

  1. How do you think our lives could be without doctors?

  1. It is nowadays considered by some people that the countries in the Middle East are less advanced than other countries like the USA, Britain, Norway and Northern countries in general. What’s your opinion about that?

  1. The film shows that, as there was no science in the Middle Ages, people used to believe in superstitions. Can you think about some superstitions people usually have still in the 21st century?

  1. Without authorization, Rob experiments with a dead body to gain more medical knowledge. Did you think it was a good idea?

  1. In the film, Rob becomes a physician (or doctor) because that is his vocation. Do you think vocation is the most important when choosing a profession?

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